Friday, July 21, 2006

Hung Out To Dry

Well, I just had my last interview with the Nashotah Admissions board. I don't think it went well. And I think they aren't going to let me in this year because I don't have enough money right now. Of course I don't, I'm a poor worker. So, it looks like only the rich should be priests and apply to seminary.... The reason I have don't have any money is because I haven't asked for any support. I wanted to apply first and get accepted so that when I asked people for money they knew it was going to school; not just an "idea or plan" of going to school. I'm speaking to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs tomorrow. They set up a meeting right before I leave. This is why I think it will be bad news. How cowardly and unhelpful can you get. Give me a chance will you. What if I can raise enough money before school starts? I'm not saying I'm a saint but how many saints started their ministry by giving their money to the poor? (just about all of them). But I guess it only counts as being a noble thing if you have money in the first place to give away; actually being poor is just sick. I can't help but think I'm being discriminated against. My background and experience is "spotted" with manual labor. If I have a call to the priesthood and its really God's will than won't He help me raise the money and convict people to give for the common cause of building up Christ’s Church in the support of men with vocations? School is expensive there is no doubt. Its about $27,000 per year. I wasn't being shortsighted or naive either. I'm taking out loans and I have a little savings, and yes that still won't be enough. I will need support, I know that all too well.

Saint Jude! (patron saint of lost causes) Pray for me!


J. Gordon Anderson said...

What!? I am outraged to hear that! How much do you have to have up front?

jeff said...

Fr. Gordon:
I should clarify I’m not sure if this is really their problem.... I will find out tomorrow... and let you know. However, I’ve been encouraged by Deacons within Quincy, here at the House, that if Bp. Ackerman wants me to go this year (which was his idea) Nashotah will have to let me in; thankfully he is on their board of directors... I also think any objection they may have of me is inconsequential; i just don't fit the standard mold.... "who does this smoking, tattooed, punk think he is?" I pray that God will sort it all out; and if the Bishop (and God) want me to wait a year then that’s what I’ll do.

I'm reminded of what you told me about all the troubles I'll encounter while in seminary... well they're a bit early.... continue to pray for me as I do for you.

7:02 PM

J. Gordon Anderson said...

Good point, Mrs. Baus. Paul was a murder too. Tell them that at least you have never murdered anyone!

Do keep me posted, Jeff. I am praying ferevently for you.

Baus said...

I can see some handwritting on the wall.

I have to catch up on the rest of your blog entries, then I'll skype you.

You know I can relate.

jeff said...

Greg: I know you can relate... what is it with the Baus boys and the seemingly constant struggle with "the man."

The Lemonts said...

I guess God has other plans for you my friend, perhaps another vocation where your faith will touch people often untouched by the clergy.